tiistai 21. syyskuuta 2010

He could be the one

Where you are when I need you...

I just wanted to write in English this times. I'm just jogging today, did homework and listened to music. Do you feel sometimes that you want somebody who complete you, huh? I'm just too desperate...
But life goes on and don't ever give up. Maybe someday you find somebody, who is your one.
I have a numb feeling at the moment I don't understand things. I had hoped towards the small things, but I could foresee that someone still overturned. But now I have to finish this day depression and just smile.

"Just smile and say that you okay." - Elena (from TVD)

I'm just waiting for weekend! Because I can just do sports and sleep. I hate now all school stuff, 'cause I have little bit stress now, but I'm okay everythings is okay.

xoxo, Elisabet.

//Nii siis en yleensä kirjottais enkuks näitä tekstejä, mutta nyt oli semmonen fiilis. Eli pientä selostusta jotka ei tajunnut kerroin vaan että oon tänään urheillut, tehnyt läksyjä ja kuunellut musiikkia. Ja mitäs olisi kiva omistaa joku joka saa sut hymyilemään joka päivä. Ja odotan viikoloppua innoissani koska urheilu+nukkuminen = kaiken ä ja ö.

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